The FACU has not been provided with a sync module, so the fire alarm system notification appliances do not operate simultaneously, as required by Section of NFPA 72. Appliances that are not synchronized can not only cause confusion among occupants who are exiting the building, but strobe appliances also have the ability to cause a seizure for any building occupants who have epilepsy when not adequately synchronized.

Based on drawings that have been reviewed and Zari Consulting Group’s site visit, it appears that insufficient visual notification has been provided in the building. Numerous rooms were provided without strobes and strobes were generally not located within 15 feet of the end of corridors. Audible notification appliances were not activated, but it appears insufficient audibility also exists.

The existing Fire-Lite MS 9600 FACU, however, can adequately sustain the existing fire alarm system notification appliances. Also, it appears that adequate Booster Power Supplies (BPS) have been provided at the facility for the existing notification appliances.

Initiating Devices

The existing fire alarm system contains the following initiating devices:

  • Manual fire alarm boxes
  • Fire sprinkler supervisory switches
  • Fire sprinkler waterflow alarms
  • Area smoke detection
  • Area heat detection
  • Smoke detection for HVAC shutdown and closing dampers
  • Smoke detection for releasing doors along the 1-hour rated corridor.

Complete record drawings of the system installation are not available.