The building also contains a 3-story area (Area A, Area B, and Area C) that was constructed based on an Alternate Means and Methods Request (AMMR) described as a “Code Modification” on the permitted drawings dated 08/27/99, produced by ABC architects. Refer to Appendix A for that AMMR. Due to the approved AMMR, this 3-story portion of the building must be left in its current condition. However, there may be an opportunity to negotiate some minor changes to this portion of the facility in future projects.
1-hour fire resistive rated corridors have been provided throughout the facility based on the requirements of the 1994 UBC. Various laboratory rooms have been enclosed and separated from adjacent areas by 1-hour fire resistive rated construction.
Existing Fire Alarm System Description
Fire alarm Control Unit
The existing fire alarm control unit (FACU) within the building is identified as a Fire-Lite MS 9600. It is located in “Electrical 158” which is nearby the main entrance to the building, just beyond the security desk. The Fire-Lite MS-9600 is a non-proprietary control unit.
The FACU is a modern addressable control unit with a base capacity of 318 addressable points (159 detectors and 159 modules). The FACU can be expanded to a maximum of 636 addressable points with an optional circuit board. The FACU uses addressable technology to communicate with connected devices (i.e., manual fire alarm station, smoke detector, duct smoke detector, monitor module) over a Signaling Line Circuit (SLC). Each device is assigned a unique address which communicates with the FACU over a twisted, shielded pair of conductors. Available records indicate that approximately 100 points are used.
The system includes an audible or silent “walktest” feature which allows one person to test the system devices without the necessity of manually resetting the control panel after each device activation.
Notification Appliances
The notification appliances consist of audible horns, visual strobes, and combination horn/strobes. These appliances operate using 24VDC power which is supplied from the FACU and supplemented with Fire-Lite remote power supplies located in various locations throughout the facility. Equipment found in Room “Electrical 158” suggests that the notification circuits are synchronized. Notification appliances are not provided in all areas such as conference rooms, assembly rooms, restrooms, and open office spaces. Strobe lights are not located within 15 feet of the ends of corridors. An audibility test was not conducted; however, based on the distribution of appliances, the audible alarm sound level appears adequate on the Ground Floor and Floors 1 and 2.