Sample Building Code and Fire Alarm Evaluation


Zari Consulting Group has been retained by Acme Company to perform a study and evaluation of the fire alarm system at the Acme Company building in Anytown, United States. The purpose of this report is to provide an evaluation of the existing fire alarm system and make recommendations for improvements where appropriate to meet current applicable standards.

Mr. Joseph Zari, PE and Mr. Ron Williams of Zari Consulting Group conducted a site survey on December 3, 2013. Zari Consulting Group’s observations and recommendations are contained within this report.

It is Acme Company’ policy to provide a fully code compliant fire alarm system in the currently occupied Anytown building, while simultaneously decreasing the number of nuisance alarms at the facility. As a result, Zari Consulting Group has performed a building code and fire code analysis of the existing building for the purpose of determining to what extent the building complies with the current codes. Zari Consulting Group also evaluated the existing fire alarm system with respect to the most recent edition of NFPA 72 for the purpose of determining mitigation measures in an effort to reduce the likelihood of future nuisance fire alarms. The fire alarm system was evaluated with respect to the following codes and standards:

  • NFPA 72, National Fire Alarm Code, 2013 edition with Anytown amendments.
  • International Building Code (IBC), 2012 edition.
  • International Fire Code (CFC), 2012 edition.
  • Uniform Building Code (UBC), 1994 edition